30 Day Weight Loss Plan To Loss 30 Pounds

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According to the latest research of American medical association, due to obesity, you can decrease your life expectancy. This research tells that a 20 years old fat boy can reduce 13 years of his life as compared to a normal person. In like manner, a 20 years old girl can reduce 8 years of her life. Obesity is an international issue these days that can also cause various health issues. For this reason, today I am going to introduce a 30 day weight loss plan. That has extraordinary results and with this challenge, you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days.
There are lots of things in your daily life that cause overweight and obesity. Before going to the 30 day weight loss plan you have to commit yourself to avoid those things. Which things are harmful to you? let’s discuss.

Lifestyle Changes Before 30 Day Weight Loss Plan

There are some things that are making you fat. This time, commit yourself to avoid these things that are harmful to you.

  1. Breakfast Cereals -Breakfast cereals also called healthy food but in the reality, this is the worst diet for you. These breakfasts are full with sugar, carbs, and most fattening ingredients. For this reason, I will advise you to stop eating such food. In spite of breakfast cereals start your day with simple food like eggs and vegetables. On the other hand, most of the people think that skipping breakfast is a good idea but this is totally wrong. Because by skipping your breakfast will drop your metabolism and increases you eating desire. As a result, you’ll feel fatigue and don’t continue your physical activities. Generally speaking, ignoring the breakfast is not a wise idea. This time, your are thinking about what kind of diet you should take to lose weight fast. Don’t worry I will tell you all things in the 30 day weight loss plan
  2. Sleeping Too Little or Too Much – Six to seven hours sleep is perfect for you but the fluctuation can be dangerous. A Forest Research tells that a person who sleeps less than five hours gain the belly fat 2½ times more. In like manner, a person who sleep more than eight hours also increases his chances of being fat.
  3. Restaurant Food -You will be surprised to know that the people who regularly eat in restaurants increase their chances of being fat. For example, if you are eating Olive Garden’s free bread sticks you are going to add 150 more calories to your diet. For this reason, my suggestion is to eat as simple as you can and say no to restaurant food.
  4. Soda – According to a study, you increase your chances of being overweight 33% by drink one soda per day. Now you might think that you should go for a diet soda but my answer in no. The diet soda is also a weight gaining diet and harmful to you. This time, make another commitment to yourself that you will not go for a soda during this 30 day weight loss plan.
  5. Drinking Water – If you drink water immediately after eating your meal then you need to stop yourself from doing that. Because this habit disturbs your digestion. Drink two cups of water before your meal is good for a sound body. According to the study of IOM liberally, a man needs 3.7 liters and a woman needs 2.7 liters water intake per day.
    Try this 30 Day Water Challenge to lose weight more effectively
  6. Fast Food – Eating fast food on regular basis can cause permanent health problems like heart, liver and weight issues. For example, in a simple snack, there are 300 more calories than a normal meal. For this reason, avoid fast & junk food because these nutrients make you fat. This is important to realize that there are lots of other things that are totally unhealthy. For example, Artificial Sweeteners, White Sugar, Gluten rich foods, Alcohol, Processed food, processed meat, Fats, and Oils. If you want to continue this 30 day weight loss plan then you need to avoid these all things.

Let’s talk about the plan…!

Diet and exercise both things are equally important to lose weight. For this reason, this 30 day weight loss plan based on 30 day diet plan and 30 day workout plan. You have to work on the both plans to transfer your body.


This 30 day weight loss plan will…

  1. Control your weight.
  2. Prevents you from combats health conditions and diseases.
  3. Improve your mood.
  4. Boosts the energy.
  5. Promote the better sleep

Without delay, let’s find out the best diet plan for your weight loss.

30 Day Weight Loss Plan – The Most Effective Diet

Exercise is very important to lose your weight but the only exercise is not enough. Diet plays the vital role in your weight loss. The first thing to remember that 70% diet and 30% exercise needs to your body to maintain your weight. Keep this rule in your mind and more focus on your diet.

There are many diet plans to reduce your weight but it is really hard to follow the complicated plans. Lots of ingredients make you confused that what to do and what not to do. For this reason, I am going to present a simple diet plan that is affordable. On the positive side, results are impressive, with proper exercise you can lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days. Let’s have a look…


  • Boiled eggs – 2
  • Brown bread
  • Margarine
  • Fruit puree

Recipe Of Fruit puree

  • In the first place, take fruits according to your choice
  • Then cut these fruit into small pieces.
  • Add a little bit water in a pot then place the fruit pieces in the pot and cover.
  • Place the pot on the hearth at low heat until the fruit becomes soft.
  • This time, blend the soft pieces of fruit in a blender.
  • Then add lemon juice and black paper according to your desire for the better taste.
  • Enjoy!

How to eat?

Apply margarine to the brown bread slice and eat with boiled eggs and fruit pure.

Important Note:

  • The egg is the best diet to lose your weight, surprisingly you can lose up to 400 calories a day with proper exercise and eating egg in your breakfast.
  • Fruit puree is easily available in the markets but the excessive amount of sugar will not be beneficial. In other words, don’t buy the fruit puree from the market and do it yourself.

Lunch & Dinner

  • Piece of chicken/fish – 1
  • Vegetable soup
  • Brown chappati (optional)

Recipe of Chicken/Fish

  1. Add Tabasco sauce, salt, paper, garlic & ginger paste in Chicken/Fish piece.
  2. Then add some amount of olive/canola oil.
  3. Steam it.

Recipe of Vegetable soup

  1. In the first place cut the vegetables into small pieces and place in a pot.
  2. Then add some amount of water in the pot and soft the vegetables on low heat.
  3. After that blend the soft vegetables in a blender.
  4. Then place the blend vegetables in a bowl, add raw clove of garlic or black paper and a little amount of olive oil.
  5. Ready!

How To Eat?

In your lunch and dinner take vegetable soup, a piece of chicken/fish and  1 brown chapatti.


  • Green tea
  • Coffee

You can drink green tea, coffee or any low-calorie drink during the 30 day weight loss plan.


  • Fruit smoothies
  • Sugar-free wheat biscuits

During the weight loss plan, you can eat these desserts.

This is the simple diet plan, no complications, no more expenses. Just eat simple and work hard to get more results. Generally speaking, in this 30 day weight loss plan, the exercises that we chose are the best exercises. These exercises will ultimately burn your fats fast and reduce your weight.

The 30 Day Weight Loss Plan – Fat Burning Workout

This is very easy and simple 30 day weight loss plan that you can easily do at your home. The four basic exercises that will definitely reduce your fats.

  • Sit Ups As a matter of fact, there is no big difference in sit ups and crunches because the basic principle of both exercises is same. In sit ups, you lay down on your back and lift your entire upper body. Sit ups burn more calories, boost the overall fitness and you don’t need a gym to perform this exercise.
  •  Crunches There is a little bit difference in crunches and sit ups. In crunches you don’t lift your entire body, just lifting your shoulders you perform this exercise. Crunches effects on your abs and burn your belly fat.
  • Leg Rises This is a simple exercise, by laying down on your back and raising the legs upside you perform this challenge. This is the best exercise that improves the lower back strength and burns belly fats. On the other hand, if someone has lower back pain may perform this exercise by adding the towel under the lower back.
  • Planks This is also a simple exercise, by going into the pushup position, bending your both elbows at 90 degrees and place your weight on your arms you perform this exercise. Must be remembered, during this exercise, your body must be in the straight line.

The 30 day weight loss plan based on these four exercises. Each day more reps build your stamina and after three days you will rest your body. Must remember there is no rest for the diet plan, you have to continue the diet for the entire month. 

In case you have any question related to the 30 day weight loss, don’t hesitate to ask. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.

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