Home Remedies For Earache – 10 Instant Painkillers

Earache home remedy
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Ear pain/earache is a painful condition that children mostly experience due to ear infections, strep throat or may be trapped water in the ear. A study of the New York Times confirmed that 80 – 90% children between age 6 months to 2 years suffer from earache. In some cases, adults also experience an earache. In this painful situation, the patient wants urgent relief that is possible with home remedies for earache. You can try these home remedies to reduce earache pain instantly.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Earache

Garlic & Olive Oil:

Garlic & Olive Oil

First of all, I want to tell you that garlic & olive oil is the quickest and way to get rid of earache pain. Both ingredients play a great role in pain management. Garlic contains a massive amount of antibiotic, anti-fungal, antimicrobial and analgesic properties that reduce inflammation and pain. In like manner, Olive oil is an amazing home remedy for earache due to its magical properties. Yes, olive oil behaves like a lubricant and reduce painful sensations in the ear.

You Will Need

  • Garlic – 5 cloves
  • Olive oil – 3 tablespoon


  1. Peel cloves and finely chop them.
  2. Soak chopped cloves in olive oil and place on a stove at very low temperature for 45 minutes.
  3. Discard cloves from the oil and store in the refrigerator.
  4. Release 4 drops in the infected ears.
  5. Place a tiny cotton ball in the ear to prevent oil drainage.
  6. Repeat the simple steps if needed.

Note: don’t store this remedy at room temperature.

Salt Sock:

Salt Sock

Salt soaks is another amazing remedy for an earache in children. This is because sea salt is associated with healing properties that help to lower pain in the ear. It also reduces inflammation and provides instant relief. Furthermore, it contains a large amount of the rejuvenating qualities due to the presence of magnesium and potassium in it. These properties do their best to eliminate pain. On the other hand, its osmosis effect deals with toxins and provide relief from discomfort caused by an earache.

You Will Need

  • Coarse Sea Salt – 1 ½ cups
  • White Sock – 1


  1. Take a clean white sock, fill it with coarse sea salt and tie a knot.
  2. Heat up and put on the affected area for about 10 minutes.
  3. Magic!

Note: don’t use colored socks.



Onion is an amazing remedy for an earache that works rapidly. This is because onions are rich in quercetin properties that help to reduce inflammation and earache pain. A study of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that onion works same as Alendronate, which helps to deal osteoporosis and pain as well. There are different ways to use onions for an earache relief, but this one is my ideal.

You Will Need

  • Onio juice – 1 tablespoon


  1. Just a little heat the onion juice.
  2. Put 3 drops in your ear and cover with a cotton ball.
  3. Repeat the process 3 times a day

Hydrogen Peroxide:

Hydrogen Peroxide

This is another quick way to get rid of an earache at home. Hydrogen peroxide H2O3 behaves like an Antiseptic and help to clean an earache causing dirt and wax. Several studies have also admitted the magical properties of Hydrogen peroxide for earache relief.

You Will Need

  • Hydrogen Peroxide – 5 drops
  • Eyedropper


  1. Put drops of Hydrogen peroxide in the infected ear with an eyedropper.
  2. Relax let it work.



Magnificent properties of the Neem fights against infections and provide instant relief from pain. As a matter of fact, Neem is high in antibacterial and antifungal properties that kill germs and pathogenic bacteria as well. Asians have been used Neem as an earache remedy for hundreds of years and it really works.

You Will Need

  • Neem Juice – 5 drops


  1. Insert few 5 drops of neem juice in your ear for about 10 minutes.
  2. Repeat the same process until problem resolved.

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Vicks among the best ear infection remedies because made up of eucalyptus oil, cedar leaf oil, nutmeg oil, and menthol. These properties considered well for treating mild earaches. Quite a number of moms also confess Vicks to be a true earache handler.

You Will Need

  • Vicks
  • Garlic – 1 clove


  1. Place garlic clove in a microvave for about 15 seconds.
  2. Apply some Vicks over the clove and insert in your earache causing ear.

Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the essential necessities of a house which help to treat several health issues. Relieving Ear pain is one of the apple cider vinegar health benefits. Yes, the antibacterial and antifungal effect of apple cider vinegar positively cures infections and earache as well.

You Will Need

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 3 drops
  • Water – 3 drops


  1. Mix both ingredients together in a bowl.
  2. Put 4 drops in your ear with the help of a cotton ball.

Sesame Oil:

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil widely used as a lubricant and South Indians used it as an essential hair oil. A Recent study of the World Health Organization (WHO) claims that sesame seeds are the best agent to reduce inflammation and pain intensity. In case your kid is suffering from a high earache and you don’t have anything to cure it, use sesame oil and garlic for instant earache relief.

You Will Need

  • Garlic – 2 cloves
  • Sesame Oil – 2 tablespoon


  1. Add garlic in sesame oil and heat it up on a stove.
  2. Discard cloves and put few drops on this remedy in your ear.
  3. Repeat the process several times a day.
  4. Bye, bye earache.

Colloidal Silver:

Colloidal Silver

How do you get rid of an earache at home? Colloidal silver is a safe and most effective way to cure an earache due to its microbial antibiotic properties. Basically, its a liquid solution of silver components which have been used to treat an earache for centuries. A study of 2011 clearly shows that colloidal silver is not associated with any side effect and can be used for earache relief.

You Will Need

  • Colloidal silver – 3 drops


  1. Insert Colloidal silver drops in your infected ear. earache relief
  2. Repeat the steps if needed.

Don’t buy colloidal silver from online sources
You can also take 1 tablespoon as an oral dose for better results.
More than 1 tablespoon consumption of colloidal silver can cause argyria.

Basil Leaves:

Basil Leaves

Last but not least, basil is one of the ultimate home remedies for ear pain. This is important to realize that basil contains pain killing properties such as an Analgesic that is well known for earache relief. In like manner, basil also high in Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties, which play a huge role to reduce swelling caused by different infections.

You Will Need

  • Basil juice – 4 drops


  1. Put 4 drops of basil juice in your infected ear
  2. Do it again if needed

Tips & Precautions with Earache Remedies:

  1. Don’t apply pressure to the infected ear
  2. Always dry your ears after taking a bath
  3. Insert a few drops of mineral oil before swimming
  4. Do some neck exercises for earache relief
  5. Use home remedies for earache
  6. Consult your doctor if not recover

Omisha Zuri

Neevow Gujjar is a professional blogger, author, and food crusader. His mission with Neevow.com is to help your families to live more naturally through nutrition awareness, useful exercises, wellness and beauty remedies. He writes at Neevow.com and can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and Pinterest.

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