Termites are extremely dangerous for your wooden furniture or wooden floor, windows and doors. Termites can destroy your whole wooden furniture. It often happens that people don’t even know it and the termites have hollowed out more than half of their furniture. When termites hit any furniture, its wood starts falling into powder form. When the powder falls, the wood of the furniture is completely destroyed, which can be very sad and regretful. People who have a lot of wood furniture in their house are very worried about this pest. As well as, it is also very harmful for wooden doors and even windows. Because once the termites begin to infest, they can harm the whole wooden things in the house. So people want to know how to get rid of termites by using some home remedies for their expensive furniture and other wooden accessories.

How to Get Rid of Termites
1. Salt and Water
Salt is considered a natural remedy to kill termites immediately. If your furniture is infested with termites and you are worried because of it, you can use salt as a treatment. Salt is extremely powerful to kill termites. Salt has some properties that are extremely harmful to termites. Furthermore, salt and water is a very old remedy to get rid of termites. Other than that, salt is capable to kill termites quickly. If you want to kill termites by using salt and hot water, you only need to take salt and water. This remedy doesn’t require any special ingredient. Therefore it is a very cheap way to get rid of termites. After washing your furniture with salt and warm water, you will clearly feel that termites will not infest your furniture again. This remedy is very useful and effective for the prevention of termites.
You Will Need
- Salt – 10 table spoon
- Water – 4 glass
- First of all, take 4 glasses of warm water and add 10 table spoon of salt and mix very well.
- Then wash your furniture or that place where termites are infests. This salty water will kill the termites completely.
2. Sunlight
Termites are something that likes to live in the dark. In other words, it is better to say that termites cannot survive in the sunlight. Because, sunlight makes them weak. If termites get on your furniture or anywhere else, you should keep it in the direct sunlight to prevent termites. Almost all kind of pests, bugs and insects are cannot survive long in the sunlight. If you have problem of termites, you can keep your things in sunlight to get rid of these harmful pest. When you put your furniture or any affected thing in sunlight, termites will automatically leave that thing and go anywhere else. It is possible that termites will kill in sunlight. Although, there are so many remedies are available for the prevention of termites, but sunlight is the most easy and cheap remedy. Also, it has no side effect and everyone can do it.
You Will Need
- You only need a very good sunlight.
- On any good day when the sun is very bright, take out your furniture in the yard and put it in the sun.
- Keep your furniture in the sun until the termites die or go anywhere else.
3. Orange Oil to Get Rid of Termites
Another best remedy to get rid of termites is orange oil. Because this oil is made from d-limonene so it can kill termites quickly. You can make this oil at home or can buy from any store. This oil is available on garden stores. Furthermore, when you use orange oil to remove termites, the exoskeletons of termites will dissolve. So when the moisture of termites will finish they will automatically die immediately. Also, you can use the orange oil direct on termites as well as ob their living places. When you use orange oil to get rid of termites, your home will be free from termites completely. Orange oil is also capable to completely eliminates the proteins of termites. So you can try this effective oil for the prevention of termites from your home.
You Will Need
- Orange oil – 4 table spoon
- Water – 1 glass
- Take 1 glass of water and add 4 table spoon of orange water and mix it well.
- Then pour this mixture into a spray bottle and spray directly on termites or their living areas.
4. Borax Powder
Borax powder is a very useful and effective thing to get rid of termites. Also, borax powder is capable to kill all kind of pests, bugs and insects. As well as, you can use borax powder to clean your clothes. It can remove all kind of stains. If you apply borax powder at home in a place where termites have been found, you will see for yourself that termite is completely gone in a few days. This is a very old remedy which is extremely effective. Although, there is no side effect of borax powder but when you use borax powder at your home, keep children away from there. On the other hand, borax working same like any citrus thing like lemon juice or vinegar. This method is more effective than many other remedies. You can use it directly as a powdered form or can use it with mixing water.
You Will Need
- Borax powder – half cup
- Water – 1 cup
- Spray bottle
- First of all, take half cup of borax powder and mix in a cup of water.
- Spray this borax mixed water on the places of termites to keep them away.