How to Get Rid of Chipmunks and Keep them Out of the Garden

Get Rid of Chipmunks
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Chipmunks are extremely dangerous for all kind of gardens. This proves to be a disaster for any garden or lawn. If you are interested in gardening and you want to plant many good plants in your garden, so you must take steps to avoid these chipmunks. Also, chipmunks are the most bad thing for gardens and plants. This animal can dig everywhere in soil and grass. These animals dig up the ground and eat the seeds of all kinds of plants. Also catching them is a very difficult task. For those who are thinking of creating their own garden and want to plant different plants, this chipmunk can be quite a hassle for them. Therefore, if you are one of those people and want to know how to get rid of chipmunks, in this article you will find the answer.

Get Rid of Chipmunks

How to Get Rid of Chipmunks

1. Use Chipmunk Trap

If you want to get rid of chipmunks, you can try chipmunks traps. These traps are especially made for catch chipmunks. Also, chipmunks are extremely irritating for gardeners. These chipmunks can dig everywhere in the garden and harm the plants and vegetables. Further, they eat seeds so your plants will not be safe in the presence of chipmunks. Also, you can place these traps in any place where chipmunks come most. These traps are extremely useful to get rid of chipmunks. There are several type of traps are available for chipmunks. You can choose a trap according to your needs. Although, chipmunks are very small in size so you should select the right size of trap. Once they get stuck, you can throw them far away where ever according to your choice. Also, chipmunks are not allowed to be kill at some places. So be careful about it.


2. Castor Oil

Castor oil contains a very thick texture that is extremely useful for the prevention of insects, bugs and chipmunks. This oil is extremely useful for so many purposes. Also, if you add some other ingredients such as hot pepper or garlic, the effectiveness of castor oil more good. Other than that, if castor oil is not available you can use any other oil for repel chipmunks from your garden. Castor oil is used in so many different kind of diseases and skin problems also. This oil comes with some unique qualities. It provides you great benefits because it is completely beneficial. It is effective to get rid of chipmunks because they don’t like its extra thick texture. In addition, castor oil is thicker than almost any type of oil and this is what chipmunks and other insects do not like.


You Will Need

  • Caster oil – a few drops
  • Cotton ball – 1 large size


  • Take a cotton ball and drop a few drops of castor oil on it.
  • Place this cotton balls near at the place where chipmunks are live.

3. Try Garlic and Hot Pepper

The pungent smell of garlic is very invasive to insects and chipmunks. The pungent odor of garlic is very invasive to insects and chipmunks. If you use garlic with hot pepper, it will be very effective. Other than that, garlic can repel chipmunks easily. As well as, the harsh texture of hot pepper also very useful and force chipmunks to repel them from your garden and house. If you have a lot of chipmunks in your garden, you can mix hot pepper and oil in the garlic and sprinkle it on the plants. Due to strong smell of garlic and sharpness of hot pepper remove the chipmunks from your plants. This mixture forms a protective layer on the plants which protects your plants from all kinds of insects as well as chipmunks. This mixture has no side effect and it is extremely protective for garden and plants.

You Will Need

  • Chopped garlic or garlic powder – 2 table spoon
  • Hot pepper – 2 table spoon
  • Any kind of oil – 1 table spoon
  • Water – 1 glass
  • Spray bottle – 1


  • First of all, take chopped garlic or you can use garlic powder and mix hot pepper in it.
  • Then add any kind of oil and hot water in it.
  • Store this mixture in a bottle and spray on plants when you feel the danger of chipmunks.

4. Irish Spring Soap to Get Rid of Chipmunks

There are several ways to get rid of chipmunks but Irish spring soap is the all time best remedy. This soap is extremely useful to repel pests and other kind of plant bugs. It is capable to remove chipmunks from your garden. Other than that, this soap is extremely easy to apply. It doesn’t require any special ingredient to work. Rather you only need this soap to get rid of chipmunks. Also, Irish spring soap is known as a natural remedy to remove pests and bugs. This soap is consider to be very effective of chipmunks. On the other hand, if you want to use Irish spring soap to get rid of chipmunks, you should use it in a grated form. This soap is extremely easy to use. You only need to take grated Irish spring soap and sprinkle it on that places where soil and grass is more.

You Will Need

  • Irish spring soap – 1
  • Grater – 1


  • Simply take Irish spring soap and grate it well.
  • Then sprinkle this grated Irish spring soap all over your garden.

5. Medicated Powder to Get Rid of Chipmunks

We all know that chipmunks and other pests are harmful for plants. They can destroy your whole struggle to grow beautiful plants in your garden. By the way, there are so many remedies to repel these chipmunks from your house and garden. But, if your use any medicated powder which is especially designed to get rid of chipmunks. When you decide to use any medicated powder to solve your problem of pests, first consult to any expert. Because, usually people grow vegetables and fruits in their gardens. Therefore, if you use any medicated powder which contains some harmful ingredients, it can be dangerous. There are so many people who complain that they used any medicated powder to get rid of chipmunks and later they faced a lot of problems. Therefore, always keep in mind this precaution and never use any medicated powder by your own choice.

You Will Need

  • Medicated Powder – according to the size of your garden


  • Use this powder according to the number of chipmunks in your garden. You need to sprinkle this medicated powder all around your garden. You will get rid of chipmunks and all other plant pests.

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