Basically poison ivy is a kind of allergy that occurs in bushes etc. This allergy is especially common in people who have a lawn at home or who they work with plants. If you cut the plants yourself in your home and take care of the plants, then this poison ivy can happen to you. In addition, the patient may have severe itching in the case of this poison ivy. If you also have plants and if you cut your plants by yourself, you can be victim of this poison. That’s why, if you feel any rash or itching on your any body part immediately consult with an expert. There are so many people who are related to gardening and this poison ivy happened to them. So if you are one of them and want to know how to get rid of poison ivy, this article is only for you.

Fast ways to Prevent Poison Ivy
1. Oatmeal
Many experts say that oatmeal is a very effective thing for skin diseases. If you have any skin problem such as itching or inflammation etc, then the use of oatmeal will be very beneficial. Other than that, this is especially perfect choice in the case of poisons ivy. If you also have a lawn or garden at your home and this poison ivy is happened to you, then oatmeal is your cure. The method of using oatmeal is to take a bath with it if you want to get rid of poison ivy. When you take bath with oatmeal, you will feel great relief immediately. Also, you can make a powder of oatmeal and then use it on your skin. Simply, mix oatmeal powder with warm water and apply on affected part of your body. Leave it for a few minutes and then wash with clean water.
You Will Need
- Oatmeal powder – 2 cup
- Baking soda – 1 table spoon
- Water – as required
- First of all, take warm water in a tub. Add 2 cup of oatmeal powder a 1 table spoon of baking soda in it.
- You can take a bath with this water or make a separate paste and apply it on the affected part of your body.
- Then leave it for 15 to 20 minutes on your body and then wash with clean water and soap.
2. Rubbing Alcohol
Poison ivy is most harmful to those people who are not in the habit of washing their hands. When people cut any plant and mistakenly get poison ivy, they have wash hand immediately with and rubbing alcohol. If people don’t wash hands and also don’t use any alcohol to clean them, they can be a victim of poison ivy. If you feel poison ivy on any body part, wash your hands first with a good rubbing alcohol. Because, when you use rubbing alcohol, germs will not spread more. Mostly, this poison ivy detect after about ten minutes that is quite dangerous thing. So if you use any rubbing alcohol, you can be safe from extreme itching and irritation of skin. So always carry rubbing alcohol with you if you have plants and lawn at your home.
You Will Need
- Rubbing Alcohol – whatever you like
- Apply any rubbing alcohol on your affected skin and rub for a few minutes. Then wash with water well.
3. Try Vinegar to Get Rid Of Poison Ivy
This poison ivy is found in certain types of plants. Also, this poison is more pronounced on those who do the pruning of plants. If this poison affect on a person, the person may feel severe itching and burning on skin. Also, this poisons ivy can affect any part of the body and also can be very dangerous and painful. If you take care of your plants in advance and apply any medicine on your plants, you can be safe from this poison. On the other hand, it is not necessary that you only use any expensive medicine. You can use vinegar as an effective remedy. You need to take four glass of water and add three table spoon of vinegar and one table spoon of any dish wash. Ten use this compound on your plants to get rid of poison ivy.
You Will Need
- Vinegar – 3 table spoon
- Dish soap – 1 table spoon
- Water – 4 glass
- First of all, take 4 glass of water in a bowl. Add 3 table spoon vinegar and 1 table spoon of any dish soap.
- Then pour this compound in a spray bottle and use it on your plants.
4. Medication
If you have more poison ivy and are not recovering from a minor remedy, you can use a good type of medicine. There are so many medicines which are especially designed to get rid of poison ivy. Furthermore, there are many home remedies that work well in case of poison ivy. But if you have severe irritation or itching on your body, you need to consult with a doctor. In market, you can find so many creams, lotions and medicines that eliminate this poison immediately. Other than that, when you use any medicine or cream according to the doctor, you will get fast cure and relief from the pain of this poison. Moreover, you can use any kind of cream, lotions and gels on your itching area of your body. As well as, you can try some injections and tables also.
5. Cucumber to Get Rid of Poison Ivy
Cucumber is a vegetable that is very cool and soothing. If you use cucumber in summers, you will clearly feel that you are less affected from heat than other people. On the other hand, cucumber is extremely beneficial in case of poison ivy. If you have a problem of poison ivy, you can try cucumber. Due to the coolness of cucumber, patient feels great relief from itching and irritation. Furthermore, using a cucumber to get rid of poison ivy irritation, is very old home remedy. Also it is very simple and easy to use. You can make a good paste of cucumber and apply on affected area. As well as, you can use cucumber slices where you have itching or irritation at your body. Because cucumber is a vegetable which is very refreshing so it contains no disadvantage and you can use it freely.
You Will Need
- Cucumber – according to your need
- Take the cucumbers as per your requirement and make a good paste. You can use cucumber slices also.
- Apply this cucumber paste or slices on your affected area and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
6. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera gel is a gift of nature due to its amazing benefits and qualities. Also, it is especially use for smooth and beautify skin. If you have irritation of poison ivy, you can use Aloe Vera gel on affected part of body. This is a very old treatment to get rid of poison ivy. Also, Aloe Vera gel provide great relief from itching and irritation. Moreover, the use of Aloe Vera is extremely easy. You only need to peel of it and then apply its gel direct on skin. When you use this gel on your body, you will feel immediate relief and comfort.
You Will Need
- Aloe Vera gel – as required
- Take Aloe Vera and peel off carefully.
- Then apply the gel of Aloe Vera direct on your affected part of skin.