20 Best Fat Burning Foods For Instant Weight Loss

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In this article, I am going to share the best fat burning foods that are good for building muscles and weight reduction. This is important to realize that to get proper results food digestion is very important. For this reason, take these fat burning foods in a good manner. These foods are the best fat burning foods that you should plan for the weight loss.




Studies have shown that calcium helps to lose weight fast and dairy products like milk cheese are the great sources of calcium. The protein, zinc and some vitamin B in the dairy products help to maintain overall health. Different studies have confirmed that peoples who drink milk and take dairy products are likely to be slimmer than others they don’t. One glass of skimmed milk and some low-fat cheese is enough to maintain your weight. So you can say that the dairy products are one of the best fat burning foods.


2 – EGGS

Eggs are one of the healthiest foods that provide an excessive amount of protein, important vitamins, and minerals. Studies have shown that foods with high protein like eggs provide a high level of fullness satisfaction. In other words. As a matter of fact, a meal of 2-3 eggs contains only 240 calories that are enough amount to satisfy you. Eggs are one of the best fat burning foods which also boost your metabolism. This time you will surprise to know that metabolism changes the food into energy that helps you to burn fats.



As I mentioned above that protein is essential for weight management. Meat is one of the best-balanced diets that provides a high level of protein. In like manner, fats in meat are found to be very low. In addition, more omega 3 and less omega 6 make meat on of the best fat burning foods. This is important to realize that the meat you are going to choose must be lean. This is because the lean meat has fewer fats. Studies have shown that there are 125 calories in a skinless turkey breast of 3 ounces. On the other hand, there are only 140 calories in 3 ounces serving of skinless chicken breast. This is the best calorie intake that will surely help you to loss weight because lean meat is one of the best fat burning foods.


Studies have shown that Enova oil that is made with soybean and canola oil which helps to reduce fats because of its unique structure. This is the best thing that your body can handle and digest this easily. Enova oil is another type of DNG oil and different studies have shown that DNG oils having the property to burn fat fast. With a teaspoon daily of Seneca oil, you can lose up to one pound in a year. In case you properly use this item then you can imagine the results.


Peanut butter is one of the best fat burning foods due to its amazing nutretion. You will surprise to know that in one serving of peanut butter contains only 190 calories and 16 grams fat. Experts focus more on the diet for weight loss and peanut butter is the best diet that burns fat fast according to the latest research from Harvard University. This is important to realize that only diet is not enough to lose weight for this reason exercise is also important for any type of diet program. Try Peanut Butter Oatmeal in your breakfast and Bean burrito in the lunch or dinner for weight loss.


Eating half grapefruit before breakfast stays you away from obesity. Why researches recommend you to doing that? Let’s discuss. Grapefruits are the great source of fiber that’s why you can lose your weight by eating grapefruit before your meal. But it works more before the breakfast. It is important to realize that there are just 53 calories and 2 grams of fiber in each serving of grapefruit. On the other hand, grapefruit is not only the best fat burning foods it also decreases the insulin level. That means your body can more effectively utilize the food and converts into energy.


Everyone knows that green tea is one of the best fat burning foods that boost your metabolism and lose your weight fast. Studies have shown that confine in green tea improve the metabolism and also improve the insulin activity. Another study has shown that you don’t need to drink more green tea to lose weight you can maintain your weight by just 2.5 cups of green tea per day. There are different green tea varieties available in the market but you have to select the best one for weight loss. Green tea has antioxidants and anti-cancer properties which also aid several health issues.


Best fat burning foods are not over yet, chili is one of the best fat burning food that really works. According to the research of a Food scientist Heidi Allison, your weight losing speed can be increased up to 10 times by just adding some dried chilies to your diet. Vitamin A and Vitamin C in chili papers are also associated with several health benefits. Studies have shown that chili papers also used to stave off prostate cancer.



Green vegetables are one of the best fat burning foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients help to shrink belly fat and burn fat fast. There are two great reasons behind every weight gain. In the first place, no physical activity and the second one is high-calorie intake. This is important to realize that low calories in green vegetables help to burn fat. With low-calorie intake, you approach the satisfaction level and further, it helps to reduce weight. Green vegetables are also beneficial for your skin, eyes and other organs. In case you want to lose your weight fast than vegetables must be the essential part of your diet plan.


There are only 110 calories in half cup serving of brown rice for this reason you can use it as a weight loss diet to lose your weight. The Rich amount of nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin B-6 in brown rice are beneficial for weight management. A 6-week study experienced cases of different persons. One who take brown rice and the second one consumed white rice. There was a huge difference in the weight of both peoples. That population-based study confirmed that brown rice helps to reduce weight fast.


There was a misconception that almonds rich in fatty acids and they are not good for weight reduction. The Latest Theory denies this fact and confirmed that almonds can be used for weight loss. This time I am going to prove that almonds are one of the best fat burning foods. As I mentioned above that almond having the rich fatty acid these fats are omega 6, omega 9 and omega 3 that are good for your overall health. On the other hand skin of almonds made up with pure fiber that further improve digestion. For this reason, you can say that almonds are best fat burning food. There is a proper way of using almonds to reduce weight. Take almonds snack between each meal. The high protein in almonds develops the lean muscles structure that is good for weight loss.

12 – APPLE

An apple keeps you miles away from the doctor, well said. Experts confirmed that apples are one of the best fat burning foods that are rich in fiber and vitamins. A 100 gram serving of apple contains 55 calories that you can burn with only 20 minutes walk. On the other hand, some studies have shown that apples have some anti-aging properties known as polyphenols. Experts suggest that for weight loss apple diet should not increase more than 3 days. There are different theories behind this fact but we are not going to discuss those logics.


According to the research, salmon itself not contains weight losing properties but due to a lean protein, it considers one of the best fat burning foods. This time you need to know the equation for weight loss, calories intake vs. calories burns. If your calories intake is less and you are burning much than you are on the positive side. On the other hand, if you are eating too much as compared to calories burning than your direction is wrong. You will surprise to know that in a 3-ounce serving of salmon there are only 155 calories and only 7 grams of fat that is the best diet for your weight loss.


Most of the people asked, are potatoes good for the weight loss? I respond in a different way. It depends upon the method of cooking. If you are frying potatoes then this is the worst thing for your weight. On the other hand plan potatoes are best for weight loss because of its low calorific value and rich minerals. Studies have shown that there are only 94 calories in a 3.3-ounce serving of baked potatoes. This is the best calorie range for your weight loss. Unfortunately, a majority of us don’t eat plain potatoes and they go for french fries and chips or something like that. It is totally harmful so don’t eat french fries and use boiled or plain potatoes to lose your weight.


Beans and legumes are one of the super foods that burn fat very fast and improve your overall health, studies confirmed. Beans & legumes are full of proteins, fiber, and antioxidants that are good for loosing your weight. Recherches have confirmed that risk of obesity can be lower 25% with the regular use of beans and legumes. This time you may think how to use the beans? But it is quite simple, you can use beans and legumes in different ways. For example, use them in cookies or deserts to get several health benefits.

16 – SOUPS

Weight losing becomes challenging when you eat less, feel hungry but soup is the best food that satisfied you with few calories. A research published in June 2005 that clearly shows that with two low energy bowls of soup you can increase the weight loss rate up to 50%. This is important to realize that taking the right type of soups are beneficial for your weight management. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, broth-based soups having the low calories and good for controlling your weight. For this reason, you can say that soups are one of the fat burning foods that are also good for your health.


Coconut oil is a best for weight loss. This time you will think that coconut is rich in fatty said, how is this possible that it helps in the weight loss. Before going to the point I would like to clear a misconception. There is a huge difference between fats and fatty acids these two things are not the same. As a matter of fact, coconut oil based on medium-chain fatty acids that are healthy for us. According to the study held in 2009 shows that abdominal obesity can be control with coconut oil supplements. So it’s clear that coconut oil is one of the best fat burning foods.


This is the experience of experts that one glass of tomato juice daily is a best fat burning trail that trims your weight very fast. With daily use of tomato juice, you can also lower the cholesterol level up to 10%. Various studies have confirmed that tomatoes have the nutritional properties that can fight with cancer and depression. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps to reduce weight. No doubt it is one of the best fat burning foods. According to the latest research from China Medical University in Taiwan drinking tomato juice about 60 days, you can decrease your weight up to 1 kg.

19 – CHAI – TEA

You probably already know that tea is good for weight reduction. Different studies have shown that chai/tea is the naturally healthy conscious mixture that is one of the best fat burning foods. This time you will shock to know a fact, get ready.
Most chai/tea has 0.00 calories that are a green sign for obese persons. Like every best fat burning food, tea has it’s the healthiest way to use. To get the best fat burning results you should use tea without sugar and milk because sweeteners are directly proportional to your weight.


The latest study of Buffalo University tells that a specific type of mushrooms can help to reduce weight. The particular type which is beneficial for the weight loss is Portobello mushrooms. Yes, this is a type of mushroom that regulate the glucose level. Studies have confirmed that glucose level affects the weight. I will elaborate again that there are different species of mushrooms and their nutritional values are also different. For example, the 100 grams serving of White button have only 22 calories. In like manner, same quantity of Portabello mushroom has 35 calories. Before starting any losing weight campaign you must study the nutritional values of your diet.


Maimoona Inam

Neevow Gujjar is a professional blogger, author, and food crusader. His mission with Neevow.com is to help your families to live more naturally through nutrition awareness, useful exercises, wellness and beauty remedies. He writes at Neevow.com and can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and Pinterest.

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