Looking for home remedies for a dry cough? You are in the right place because in this article you’ll discover best dry cough home remedies that help you to cure a dry cough. Let’s discuss some facts before starting the natural cough remedies. Basically, there are two types of a cough. First, productive and second dry cough. A productive cough is one which helps to extract phlegm from the chest and your body needs to clean lungs. For this reason, you don’t need to be panic for the first one. On the other hand, dry cough is the one that we want to get rid of.
As a matter of fact, there is no single reason behind a dry cough. Yes, there may be several health issues that can cause a dry cough. For example, environmental pollution, allergies, cigarette smoke or lung infection can be the responsible for a cough. But you are not alone here because about 2.5 million people experience a cough every year in the United state, the survey found. Therefore $millions spent for medication to cure a cough. But I’ll recommend you try dry cough home remedies.
Why are these home remedies for a dry cough better than expensive medication? This might be a question in your mind. A population-based study of 2004 confirmed that cough suspension consists of dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine which can be harmful to you. For this reason, try some natural cough remedies instead of these type of medication.

Honey is one of the natural cough remedies which have been used for a long time. A study of Penn State College of Medicine discovers that honey works better than the drugs for cough treatment. This is because honey is one of the oldest sweeteners on the earth that is associated with several medical properties. Yes, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of honey help to heal mucous membranes. Another population-based study confirmed that honey is more effective than dextromethorphan. On the other hand, ginger also considered the best remedy for a dry cough due to its nutrition. Ginger contains a powerful substance named as Gingerol is associated with numerous health benefits. In addition, ginger contains a high amount of Anti-Inflammatory properties which help to boost the immune system and good for cough relief. Together honey and cough are one of the stunning dry cough home remedies.
You will Need
- Ginger juice – 1 tablespoon
- Honey – 1 teaspoon
- Mix both ingredients together and consume twice a day for dry cough treatment.

Another treatment for a dry cough. Raisin is one of the foremost dry cough home remedies due to its amazing properties. Yes, raisins contain a high amount of antioxidants, potassium, and antibiotic features help to relax irritated connective tissues. In like manner, black paper is one of the home remedies for a dry cough at night. Black paper is high in some antioxidants which cure respiratory disorders, cough, and nasal congestion as well. Together raisins and black paper are one of the mind-blowing remedies for a cough.
You Will Need
- Raisins – 4
- black paper powder – 1/4 teaspoon
- Deseed raisins and roast them.
- Mix black paper in raisins and consume twice a day and feel the difference.

Natural cough remedies are not over yet. Paan & carom seeds are one of the superb natural remedies for a cough. Paan itself an amazing remedy for a dry cough due to its nutritional specifications. Yes, paan leaf also known as betel leaves contains a significant amount of goodness antibiotics which help to fight different respiratory problems such as a dry cough, cold and breathing issues as well. On the other hand, carrom seeds are one of the best dry cough home remedies due to the presence of thymol. Yes, thymol is a key nutrient of carom seeds which considered good for curing a dry cough.
You Will Need
- Paan leaf – 1
- Carom seeds (powder) – 2 pinch
- Place carom seeds powder to the Paan leaf and chew paan leaf for the treatment of dry cough.

Turmeric is a best ayurvedic treatment for a cough due to its medical values. Yes, turmeric is one of the perfect dry cough home remedies. This is because it contains a high amount of curcumin which associated with several health benefits. In addition, these compounds work like diferuloylmethane, desmethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin. For this reason, turmeric is one of the best home remedies for a dry cough which also used in Asthma home remedies. On the other hand, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-viral properties of turmeric help to heal respiratory tract and cure a dry cough fast.
You Will Need
- Turmeric – 1 teaspoon
- Goat milk – 1 glass
- Mix turmeric in goat milk and drink for dry cough treatment.
NOTE: You can also use simple milk instead of goat milk

Natural cough remedies? Dried ginger is one of the top priority natural remedies for a cough due to its nutrition. Yes, dried ginger provides an instant cure from viral infections, tuberculosis, persistent cough, sore throat, and congestion. This is because it contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial compounds which help to fight pathogenic bacteria. In addition, gingerol and zingiberene properties of ginger improve the immune system. For this reason, dried ginger considered one of the best home remedies for a dry cough. On the other hand, cloves are the best cure for a dry cough. Cloves are rich in essential oils which work as an expectorant and heal respiratory system, studies confirmed.
You Will Need
- Dried ginger – 1/2 teaspoon
- Cloves – 4
- Black paper – 4
- Honey – 1 teaspoon
- Grind first three ingredients to the fine powder and mix with honey.
- Consume this mixture twice a day for 3 days and feel the difference.

Basil is another best herbal medicine for a cough. This is important to realize that basil contains some antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds which help to eliminate several infections, cure a dry cough used as a Common cold treatment. Basil Moreover, Vitamin C, A, copper, iron, and omega 3 fatty acid considered good for overall health. For this reason, don’t panic it’s organic and one of the best dry cough home remedies.
You Will Need
- Basil leaves – 6
- Black paper – 4
- Water – 200 ml
- Boil basil leaves and black paper in water until the water remains half.
- Drink this tea as a remedy for a dry cough.

Mimusops elengi also called Bakula which is an ayurvedic treatment for a cough. Bakula/Mimusops elengi belongs to Sapotaceae family and rich in powerful medical properties that aid in several health issues. As a matter of fact, mimusops elengi contains a high amount of sterols, tannins D-Mannitol, and beta-sitosterol. All of these nutrients play a positive role to cure respiratory disorders and dry cough as well. This is my favourite and dependable home remedies for dry cough, must try.
You Will Need
- Mimusops elengi flowers – 5 gram
- Water – 100 ml
- Soak mimusops elengi flowers overnight.
- Boil these flowers in 100 ml water and drink for a dry cough treatment.

Liquorice also called Mulathi belongs to Legume family and use for various medical purposes. As a matter of fact, licorice is one of the best home remedies for dry cough due to its nutritional specification. Yes, Liquorice\Mulathi is rich in vitamins E, B, minerals, phytonutrients (beta-carotene), and phenol which are awesome to fight against a dry cough.
You Will Need
- Liauorice – 6 grams
- Black paper – 4 grams
- Dried ginger – 4 grams
- Boil all ingredients in a glass of water until the water remains half.
- Strain water and drink twice a day for a couple of days.

Natural cough remedies are not over yet. Sesame seeds are one of the best dry cough home remedies. The presence of natural oils, organic compounds such as tryptophan, Vitamins, and minerals in wide range make sesame seeds a best home cough remedy. Moreover, Anti-Inflammatory properties provide a massive immune defense to fight several health issues.
You Will Need
- Sesame seeds – 1 tablespoon
- Jaggery (optional) – 1 inch
- Boil sesame seeds and jaggery in a glass of water until it reduces to half.
- Drink this liqued as a remedy for dry cough twice a day.

Last but not least, this time I am going to share a best ayurvedic treatment for cough. This a mindblowing treatment for dry cough which has been used for a long time. The remedy for dry cough is based on 5 key ingredients, Bay leaf, raisins, almond, ficus powder and green cardamom. This is one of the best dry cough home remedies, must try.
You Will Need
- Bay leaf – 60 grams
- Raisins – 60 grams
- Almonds – 30 grams
- Ficus powder – 5 grams
- Green cardamom – 5 grams
- Grind all ingredients to the fine powder, add some Jaggery for better taste and store in a clean container.
- Consume 1/2 tablespoon of the mixture with milk twice a day until dry cough recovers.
- NOTE: This dry cough remedy can be store for a year.
May you like to read:
These home remedies for dry cough are very effective and have no harmful reaction but you are advised to adopt some lifestyle changes.