17 Banana Health Benefits, Nutritional Breakdown

Banana Health Benefits
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Looking for health benefits of banana? You are in the right place on right time. Becuase this article is all about banana health benefits. There are multiple health benefits of banana include improving digestion, fighting depression, weight management, kidney health, heart health and much more. I am damn sure that after reading these banana health benefits you’ll add this superfood to your diet. This is because bananas are highly pleasant to the taste and full of essential nutrients.

As a matter of fact, bananas are full of Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium and Vitamin B6. On the other hand, fat, calories, cholesterol and sodium contents are low in bananas. This time you will surprise to know that banana is the only superfood that is full of vitamin B6 and amino acid tryptophan. The amazing nutritional specification is associated with many health benefits of banana fruit. Here are 17 banana health benefits that are based on scientific research


Banana Health Benefits – Evidence Based

Bananas were very costly in 1980 due to its lower production and transportation. This is and eye opener fact that in today’s dollar, one banana was equal to 3$. But these days bananas are very easy to buy. For this reason, add this miracle fruit in your diet because.


1- Bananas Boost Sex Drive

Bananas not only provides energy but also improve male health in the bedroom. This is because bananas are high in enzyme such as bromelain which is an essential element to boost sex drive. In like manner, the amount of riboflavin and potassium is also rich in bananas that help to improve your energy levels and oxygen flow. The intake of bananas few hours before sex can improve men power, a study confirmed.

2- Good For Your Heart

Bananas are full of essential elements such as potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin c, and fiber. Studies have shown that these all nutrients lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. A research-based theory shows that consumption of 4069 mg potassium a day can lower the risk of heart disease up to 50%. One medium-size banana contains 422 mg of potassium which helps to reduce the risk of stroke. On the other hand, the sodium contents are very low in banana which also considered good for your heart.

3- Strengthen Your Nervous System

Studies have confirmed that bananas help to improve your nervous system. This is because bananas are rich in vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) which is the essential nutrient that improves the function of your nervous system. So improving your nervous health is one of the banana health benefits.

4- Can Beat Depression

According to the study of National Association of Mental Health, consumption of bananas can lower the level of aggression and depression. Yes, fighting with depression is one of the banana health benefits. Tryptophan is the main reason behind this health benefit. Because tryptophan is a type of protein which considered good for improving your mood and lower the level of depression. In addition, bananas are rich in serotonin which is also a mood boosting element.

5- Cure Hangover

Hangover normally caused after partying too much. Generally, the low level of potassium and dehydration in your body cause hangover. But you will surprise to know that dealing with the hangover is one of the banana health benefits. This is because bananas provide a solid amount of potassium and magnesium. There are 450g of potassium in the serving of only one banana which is the best hangover-fighting element.

6- Improves Digestion

As a matter of fact, digestion disorder is one of the most common diseases which is affecting billions of peoples, the survey confirmed. But there is good news for you. Improving your digestion is one of the banana health benefits. Yes, bananas are good for handling several digestion problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and stomach ulcer.
Bananas are rich in some prebiotic such as 0fructooligosaccharides which help to improve the health of friendly bacteria in your digestive track. This time I am going to share some useful banana remedies to improve your digestion.

For Constipation

This is the best banana remedy to cure constipation.


  • Banana – 1
  • Warm Milk – 1 glass


  1. So simple, take a banana and make its slices. Then add these small banana pieces in warm milk.
  2. Consume this mixture daily for a week and feel the difference.
  3. Also Read: Ancient home remedies for constipation

For Diarrhea

In case you are suffering from diarrhea, try this simple banana remedy.


  1. Banana – 1
  2. Yogurt – 1 cup


  1. Mix both ingredients together and consume twice a week to cure diarrhea.
  2. You may like:
  3. Best way to treat Diarrhea
  4. Supernatural home remedy for loose motion

For Gastric Ulcer

Gastric ulcer also is known as stomach ulcer which can be treated with bananas. Follow the simple banana remedy.


  • Banana – 3
  • Honey


  1. In the first place peel the bananas and cut them into small slices.
  2. Then put those small pieces in the sunlight and let them dry.
  3. After they become dry, grind them.
  4. Store this banana powder in a clean container.
  5. In case you have a stomach ulcer, take 2 tablespoons of banana powder and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  6. Mix both ingredients together and consume three times a day to cure the stomach ulcer.

7- Help You Sleep

In case you are having a sleeping problem and you want a batter sleep, here is a solution for you. Yes, improving your sleep is one of the banana health benefits. This is because bananas are rich in Potassium and magnesium and these both nutrients paly a positive role for a good sleep. In addition, bananas contain L-tryptophan which is an amino acid that is a relaxing nutrient.
To obtain the health benefits of banana, add this superfood to your diet.

8- Beat Infections

Studies have discovered that dealing with some infections such as Eczema and Psoriasis is one of the banana health benefits. This is because banana peels are rich in some anti-inflammatory and cooling properties which considered good for dealing such issues. In case you are suffering from the infection such as Eczema and psoriasis. Try this simple banana remedy.


  • Banana peels
  • Coal tar


  1. Take the equal quantity of both ingredients.
  2. Mix both elements and make a paste.
  3. Apply this paste to the infected areas.
  4. You can also use this paste to reduce Inflammation Due to Mosquito Bites.

9- Boost Brain Power

Health benefits of banana are not over yet. Because improving the brain function is one of the banana health benefits. Bananas are rich in many essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acid, magnesium play a positive role in boosting your brain power. Studies have shown that magnesium rich foods have a huge impact on brain function. You will surprise to know that there is 37 mg of magnesium in a large size banana. Add bananas in your diet to improving your mental health.

10- Lowers Bad Cholesterols

The soluble fiber in banana help to lower bad cholesterol level. Add bananas in your diet to reduce the level of LDL.


The study of Appalachian State University discovers that bananas are the great source of energy. This is due to its significant nitration. As a matter of fact, bananas are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and potassium which considered a good energy source. In like manner the amount of fiber, antioxidants and especially vitamin B6 are also rich in bananas that positively boost your energy levels. Mostly athletes and sportsmen use bananas in their pre and post workout.

12- Good For Skin

We knew that there are multiple health benefits of banana. But this time a question is raised. Is banana beneficial for your skin? Obviously yes, maintaining your skin is one of the banana health benefits. Bananas are packed with skin-friendly nutrients like potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin C, lectin, amino acid, and zinc. These all nutrients play an important role to maintain your skin.

Help to hydrate skin cell and maintains its moisture.

Vitamin A:
Remove dark spots and clear your skin.

Vitamin E:
Reduce wrinkles.

Good for acne treatment.

Vitamin B6:

Amino Acid:
Maintain skin elasticity and strength.

Bananas are rich in these all nutrients that help to improve your skin health.
You can’t afford to miss: Best homemade face mask for ultimate skin

13-Bananas Reduce The Risk Of Developing Cancer

According to the Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Switzerland, bananas can help to lower the risk of melanoma. This is important to realize that melanoma is a type of cancer.
Have you ever noticed the spots on the banana peels? Melanoma has similar spots on the human body. Banana peels having the ability to detect melanoma and it also has the power to unblock black spots caused by melanoma.

14- Help To gain Weight

The banana milkshake is a very old remedy for weight gain and it really works. Bananas are rich in many essential nutrients that help you to improve your weight. This is because bananas are packed with Vitamin B6 which help to improve blood circulation and increase the production of red blood cells. In addition, the manganese content in banana improves digestion which leads you to weight gain. In case you want to increase your weight, add banana juice in your diet and enjoy the amazing transformation.

15- Help To Lower Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that diet plays an important role to regulate your blood pressure. The next thing is how banana help to lower blood pressure. Before starting the health benefits of banana I will share the latest research with you. Studies have shown that consumption of potassium help to balance the effect of salt and lower high blood pressure naturally. For this reason, add foods that are rich in potassium to deal with hypertension. Bananas are high in potassium, Another study confirmed that you can lower your blood pressure up to 10% with bananas.

16- Good For Hairs

Treating the damage hairs and make them strengthening and shining is one of the banana health benefits. As a matter of fact, bananas considered natural hair conditioner that can treat your damaged hairs. Try this simple banana remedy.

Banana Hair Conditioner

This is the best and simple banana remedy that will cure your damaged hairs.


  • Banana (ripe)
  • Coconut oil
  • Amla (optional)


  1. Mix all ingredients and apply on your hairs. Let them dry for 10 mins. A
  2. fter this time wash your hairs.

The biggest reason for hair fall is dandruff near to me. Bananas can treat dandruff and reduce hair fall. In case you are suffering from hair fall follow this simple banana remedy.

Banana Hair Loss Treatment


  • Banana (ripe) – 1
  • Curd – ½ cup


  1. Take a banana and make its paste.
  2. Now mix both ingredients properly and apply this mixture to your scalp.
  3. Leave it for one hour and then wash your head.
  4. This is the best remedy for dandruff.

17-Bananas Improves Bone Health

Health benefits of banana are not finished yet. Because improving your bone health is one of the banana health benefits. Bananas are rich in some probiotics (friendly bacteria). These probiotics have a strong ability to absorb calcium in your body. As a result, you got stronger bones. So, what are you waiting for? Without delay, add bananas in your diet to improve your bone health.


Maimoona Inam

Neevow Gujjar is a professional blogger, author, and food crusader. His mission with Neevow.com is to help your families to live more naturally through nutrition awareness, useful exercises, wellness and beauty remedies. He writes at Neevow.com and can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and Pinterest.

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